Monday, February 7, 2011

Nice in Hollywood?

I was out to coffee with friends on Friday and the topic of being "nice" and in the business came up. Whether or not you could make it in Hollywood if you were nice. I am of the opinion that you don't have to be cut throat or walk all over people in pursuit of your dreams. All my life I have played by the golden rule, and it's  worked out pretty well for me. When I was in the business world, I was kind to customers and those I worked with and was promoted for my abilities...but the fact that people genuinely like you helps. They are rooting for you and want you to do well. So, going forward, I refuse to become jaded and mean to "make it". What's the point of making it if I have to change who I am? Life is too short and too precious. So, when I make it, I promise to just be me. And for the record, Tom Hanks is nice. (You may have heard of him.) :) So what do you think? Who do you think is nice in Hollywood?

1 comment:

  1. I believe as long as you stay genuine and true to self, you can accomplish anything no matter how cutthroat the arena!! I have to wonder though, as you mention Tom Hanks, he is nice but have there been times in his career when nice just didn't cut it... Do you think there's a point where a "nice" person can be "not so nice" when going after their dream? GO GET'em TRACEY!!
